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University of Bradford International Referral Programme

✎ Referral Programme

The International Referral Programme aims to recognise and reward alumni and current students who share their experiences and the benefits of studying at the University of Bradford (UoB) with people they know (e.g., family, friends, or colleagues). For each successful referral, Referrers will receive a financial reward equivalent to £500 via bank transfer.

Before submitting your referral application, please ensure you have read these terms and conditions.

✎ Referrer (Alumni/Current Student) details

If you are a current student, please input your personal email address as your student email may expire before the referral completes.

✎ Details of person being referred
✎ Eligibility Checks

The answers provided in this section will help to inform the eligibility of your referral. Please ensure these are completed accurately. Information provided will be checked.

Sorry, you or the student are not eligible for this referral programme.
Sorry, you or the student are not eligible for this referral programme.
Sorry, you or the student are not eligible for this referral programme.
Sorry, you or the student are not eligible for this referral programme.
Sorry, you or the student are not eligible for this referral programme.
✎ Terms and Conditions
The details you provide here will be recorded in our database and used to provide you only with information regarding the alumni referral incentive programme. This alumni referal incentive programme is based on a set of terms and conditions. Before submitting your referral application please ensure you have read these terms and conditions.

Your personal data will be held securely and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. For more information please read our privacy notice.

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